Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

So Many Visitors Our Website

Greetings again friends. I met again with David Rie. This time we will talk about traffic problems, the optimization of visitors who will surely end up on the blog monetize. Ok, immediately wrote it ....
First we suggest you buy a new domain continue to install anything aja .. wordpress, pligg, etc. .. give some content to new domains (10-20 posts, set time to 2-3 months earlier posting). when it continued to stay to make her new domain plus all its news can be in google index. abis it do not forget to submit to webmaster tools

when it's finished I'll continue to make the schedule longer blog post 2-3 articles per day plus do not forget some of his articles submit to social sites let everything keindeks on google.

After that lef wrote about 2-3 weeks. Continue to make a subdomain eg Well this subdomain for the main blog dijadiin trays dollars. treated kindly. because of the new posts would cepet keindeks' n going pretty good ranking in SERP .. want any bad main domain, subdomains will definitely nicer & easier for rivals in google .. klo guaranteed blogs on subdomains are treated, diligent post (pastiin postinganny keindeks on google), it was not until a week definitely traffic per day was already over 1k ..

If it was a week do not forget to check your Adsense account, must have been about $ 100-an there ..

If you do not believe it just try posting the same article in the main domain & the subdomain. keep a check on google, would rank an article on the blog subdomain nicer than the main domain ..

Oh yes, forgot, This trick is not applicable to bloggers (subdomain. blogspot dot com domain because less exist. If there's one hope is understandable, his name is also the trick of novice

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