Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

How to Register on PTC KlikAjaDeh...?

Today We Learn / Discussion about PTC. PTC stands for Pay To Click, which simply means we will get paid every time you click on an advertisement for a certain period (usually 30 seconds). This program may be similar to the workings of the PTR (Pay To Read). However, the rise of PTC programs lately, makes PTR become less popular. This program is the same as we watched the show on tv, which is when we pay for our TV viewing is in the form of information, news and knowledge. unlike the case with the PTC. We get the form of money (but not so much, approximately Rp. 100 per click). And that's up to us want to click the number of times (if its ad inventory is still there)

There are many providers of these PTC sites. But there are also many that are not proven to pay, or we are familiar with the scam. But, never mind bro, that I will give a true and honest, which is proven to pay it, the professional ........!!!!! The following four lists of trusted:

Well, for the first, let us list on klikAjaDeh, because this one is easier than others, either from the number of ads, trivial payments, sleek looks (just my opinion). immediately wrote a list here
or Banner Below Here

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