Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Tips to Get Dollars from Blogspot

Peace to all comrades ......!!!!! (Spirit of face-to-be there ......) immediately wrote to the Target ............!! This I can from Adsense forum and share from your friends. Here's a little we can quickly is quite a lot of money 1. First of course make Blogspot by using names that we research in advance, for his research could use the Google External keyword (Free) or packing Market Samurai (Paid). Define and select a search permonth KW 5k and above her .. 2. To update the Content must and Compulsory 2 times a day (here ane more can not understand). and made a fresh content and not the result Copas. Do this routine until 3 months. 3. Do you backlinks for 3 months, let naturally Google will give backlinks for your blog. 4. In the third month of love with Natural backlinks, more prefer pake network of blogs or link quality, not just quantity. Anchor Text for the link he pretty pake Main Keyword. 5. He just said, klo blm fifth month there 1k/day Traffic Failing means, so it is up to the lanjutin what guns. 6. Do not install Traffic 1k Adsense before, let natural. 7. Use a standard template2 from Blogspot, to minimize banned or suspended.

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