Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Home runs, a brilliant innovation?

rumah berjalan Rumah berjalan

Baba Yaga, recently designed a walking cottage, as the N55 ( design is derived from a group in Denmark, who wanted to build a house with a modular system that can adapt to the ecological and anti-land and the ownership fixed. So finally the group came up with the design 2.650-pound, 11-foot home run that can be made to connect to a home run with the design of other wasp nest. This house is designed with a very simple and can move slowly and has 3 feet, at speeds around 60 mph. What makes it more sophisticated is this house uses solar and wind energy contained in it have the wood stove, composting toilet (do not know what its type), and a greenhouse for food.
ruang tidur Rumah berjalan

you are interested. good luck

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